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Community Conservation

Community Conservation at the JHLT

Community conservation focuses on connecting people to open space and encouraging a connection with nature. By engaging our community in our conservation work, we hope to advance inclusion, emphasize collaboration, and steward community open spaces.

The JHLT manages our community open spaces with inclusion and community building in mind. By hosting our own programs and partnering with other local organizations, we strive to improve access to the outdoors in the heart of the valley.

Community Open Spaces

Community Conservation in Action

WYLD Advisory Council

WYLD Advisory Council Members are the emerging voices of conservation in Northwest Wyoming and the guiding force behind the community conservation program. Their dedication supports inclusive, holistic programs that offer opportunities for all members of our community to connect to open space at JHLT community conservation properties like R Park, the Greenspace on the Block, Karns Meadow, and more.

WYLD Advisory Council members drive future community conservation protection efforts through strategy and fundraising, develop youth education opportunities, and steer programming and events that will continue to bring this community together.

  • Lucas Ayoub

  • Robin Cameron

  • Julie Dery

  • Andy Flores-Cano

  • Laura Gaylord

  • Victor Hernandez

    Vice Chair
  • Kahlynn Huck

  • Mekki Jaidi

  • Elizabeth Martinez

  • Hal B. Wheeler