WyoView: R Park through Kika’s eyes
WyoView, a program of the Jackson Hole Land Trust, seeks to unite art and conservation to cultivate a deeper sense of place in Northwest Wyoming by raising awareness of the importance of open space protection for the valley’s wildlife and community. This spring, the JHLT partnered with digital illustrator Kika Macfarlane to capture R Park’s unique conservation values. “R Park is such a beautiful place – I love all the magical pockets and ponds and winding trails that make it feel like there are new things to explore around every corner,” said Kika. Here’s a peek inside her process:
@kikamack Come make art with me for Jackson Hole Land Trust! #rpark #jacksonhole #arttok #fyp ♬ Cowpoke – Colter Wall
Now in its ninth year, WyoView (formerly View22) was launched in 2013 with local artists Kathryn Turner, Jennifer Hoffman, and Bill Sawczuk. Inspiration for this project originally came from Kathryn Turner of Trio Fine Art, influenced by artist Thomas Moran, whose sketches, watercolors, and landscape paintings of the rugged beauty of the Yellowstone region captured the imagination of the country – and Congress – and played an important role in the establishment of Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks. Kika’s digital art brings a new twist to the legacy, and beautifully captures the spirit of R Park.
“I had a blast creating art while in the park, and f found so many different views and scenes to draw that it was hard to choose! I was inspired by the reflections on the water, and the rolling hills that give way to Teton views,” recalled Kika. “It’s always special to see areas enjoyed by both people & wildlife of all kinds, and I’m so glad this parcel is protected for years to come.”
This project is funded in part with an Arts For All grant provided by the Town of Jackson and Teton County.
Check out more of her work on Instagram @kikamack.